
MASHING UP(WEB)「ザ・サークル/社会、経済、暮らしの環。」に、「人と文化を理解し、善きビジネスをつくる。andu amet がビーコープ取得で証明したこと」という記事を掲載いただきました。

We have been featured in "MASHING UP" (WEB) on "The Circle: Environment of Society, Economy, and Lifestyle," with an article titled "Understanding People and Culture to Create Good Business: What andu amet's B Corp Certification Has Proven."

We have been featured in "MASHING UP" (WEB) on "The Circle: Environment of Society, Economy, and Lifestyle," with an article titled "Understanding People and Culture to Create Good Business: What andu amet's B Corp Certification Has Proven."